Project Background

There’s an outdated process at PRH in regards to comparing book sales between US and UK.

There are books that have open market rights where PRH US and PRH UK are competing against other. This project is to provide a way to track the activity with PRH UK (our sister company).  

PRH need to automate the way they share books and dates.  Right now it’s very repetitive. They are looking for a way to see lists from both companies and identify titles and properties that they share with links at a family ID level. Titles may not be the same so there needs to be logic that can compare and flag possible matches.


UX Challenge

They contacted the UX PubOps team to help design a platform that would not only combine the US & UK database but allow users to match titles.

Matching Titles allows the Sales Employees to find Titles and manually approve their counter parts overseas. This ideally would be done automatically by system but the human process would actually be faster in this first phase. This application will also allow users to match and track their own list of Titles but also allow them to view their colleagues matches. This results in a shared database of matched US & UK titles.


User Feedback

We interviewed the Sales and Merchandising Director of Penguin Random House who was not only sponsoring the project but was also the main super user. He mentioned that the sales team does not know which titles and title families are selling in UK, so he created his own application to help him match US and UK titles. However, the product was subpar and it’s not being used by other employees.


Current Process

The current process is not efficient. The Sales teams from US and the UK each have a spreadsheet of titles they are responsible for. Their goal is to make sure the metadata of their books within their region matches the metadata from other regions such as the UK. What follows looking up is an array of interactions with different internal platforms as well as external ones such as Amazon. However, the information is never cut and dry and sales teams call each other across regions in order to confirm on consistency of their title’s metadata.



  1. Build a database that combines all PRH US and UK titles (regardless of matching, publishing status and rights) and the corresponding data elements

  2. Flag potential shared works and editions and once confirmed, link them

  3. Provide ability to search on any combination of US or UK ISBN, title, author, and data range, but allow the exclusion of select formats and editions ( i.e. Audio, Digital…)



  1. Streamline the identification of shared titles between the US and UK to decrease time and effort and help facilitate intercompany coordination

  2. Highlight key metadata changes (including additions) in regular reports

  3. Ability to run reports that show key data elements for both US and UK titles



The target users were international sales employees within Penguin Random House US and UK. The site would be used by publishers, export and digital sales, and marketers.


My Role

Lead UX Designer



I started on this project at the Define phase. Prior to UX team’s involvement, there were meetings with stakeholders and users on the project scope conducted with the BA and project owners. When UX did join the project, a BRD a long with user stories were shared with us as a starting point.


Application Requirements

  • Flagging matches at the title family level; system should help identify possible links (there could be a one to many potential mapping)

  • Generate reports onscreen and downloadable, sortable by US and UK data points

  • Ability to store comments related to individual ISBNs

  • Backend database would contain feed from US daily and UK weekly

  • PRH Core titles only

  • Cover pricing

  • Ability to manually link or unlink US and UK ISBNs (separate from Work matches)

  • Create a “watch” list of titles on a user by user basis

  • Flag changes to certain metadata elements like price and OSD for a period of time (35 days) for items that are on a watchlist

  • Ability to search by ISBN or Text (title/author), but both will display results at a Work level



Designing the functionalities

The users are sales teams from either the US or UK. When they use the platform they’ll typically start by searching for titles based in their region.

For this MVP, we wanted to allow users to find titles they are tracking, match those titles with exact titles from another region and manage a list of titles within a watch list.


Initial Decision Tree Concept

Descision Tree.png


Exploring the flow

We then started to explore the user flows of the some of the key functionalities defined by our users.


Search Titles by ISBN

Users enters ISBN in Search field US ISBN is displayed on Result page compared with UK ISBN(s)

Use Case 01.png


Searches by Title or Author name

Users enters a text search. If it's an author, the user can click on the author's name to view all of the related Titles or if it's a title, the user can click on the Title they're interesting in.

Use Case 02.png


Match List

The Match list is a shared database of of matches made by all users. This way users can track what's been matched and by who.

Use Case 04-Matches.png


Watch List

The Watch list is a database of ISBNs or Title Families the user wants to track or watch. The Watch List can be populated either by importing an existing made list created by the users or adding formats when they are in the compare screen.



User Flows and Product Architecture


We defined the full experience by designing targeted user flows based on the user stories



We also defined the navigation and site structure.

ISTCA-Sitemap v3.png


User Testing

This prototype will demonstrate what happens when a user searches for a Title and then continues find ISBN matches between the US and UK regions.


User Feedback


About the Users

  • 4 from the United States

  • 1 from London

  • All worked in international sales

  • One moderator and one observer

  • Recorded using Zoom

Tasks we asked users to perform

  • Search for books wither by title or Author name

  • Search by ISBN

  • Match Titles between Regions

  • Refine a null results

  • Find your matches

  • Remove your matches

  • Bulk import ISBN into the Watch List

  • Remove ISBNs from the Watch List

  • Compare Title details



  • Button Labeling - Add explicit labeling / tool-tips

  • Display all search results expanded. This way users can view all of the formats within a Title Family

  • Add more explicit feedback in the Match screen and Watch List

  • Add a bulk Remove in the Watch List

  • Group the stacked search in the Compare page

  • Add a search icon/button

  • Display matched titles aligned for easy comparison

Our Findings

  • Lack of clear labeling (copy)

  • Misaligned matches

  • Misaligned Title Details

  • Adding to the Watch List

  • Removing from the Watchlist

  • Finding matches within Matches tab

  • Lack of refinement in Null search results

  • Uploaded ISBNs no populating the top of the screen



High Fidelity Mockups



Users can search for a book either by Title, Author or ISBN. Typically users search by cutting and pasting ISBSNs but we provided all options.



Matching Formats between US and UK Regions

Once a specific title has been selected in search, the results then populate the screen both on the US and UK side. The content consists of Title Families from both UK and US with their associated formats. A Title Family such as (Home by Harlan Coban) can have four different formats associated to that book. This allows users to match from TF to TF and Format to Formats between US and UK.


Viewing Matches /  Comments and Details

One of the most important part of this application is the Watch List. When matching Title Families and/or formats, users can add their matches to the Watch List.


Uploading ISBNs to the Watch List

Users can upload ISBNs they want to track over the season.