
Project Brief

Marketers have using a third-party application to create Gifts with Purchase campaigns. This made the legal review process, clunky and long.

To improve the legal review process, The UX team was contacted to help design a proprietary Gifts with Purchase Campaign creation tool which also integrated a legal review process to help streamlines the processes.



Create an internal Gifts with Purchase builder application for Marketers and incorporate a seamless legal review process.



In addition to making the new product easy to user and enjoyable, the process of legal review should also be easy and transparent for Marketers and the PRH Legal team.

My Responsibilities

  • UX Research

  • UX Design

  • Interaction Design



User Stories


As a marketer, I want to build and design a gift with purchase campaign in as few steps as possible, so that it does not take a lot of my time to build a campaign

As a marketer, I would like to be able to see data about my Gift with Purchase campaigns upon logging into the tool, so I can quickly find any campaign

As a lawyer, I would like to review every campaign before it goes live, so that we can ensure marketers are not doing or asking customers to do anything illegal in their messaging, rules, or with their prizes. 


Creating a new campaign



Designing a new Campaign



Legal Review



The Process


Marketer: Campaign Creator

We conducted user interviews with Marketers to learn more about their current process building campaigns and working with Legal


Marketers' role

  • Marketing team are already using a propriety campaign creation tool called SnapApp and are comfortable using it because it's easy to use and and intuitive.

  • Painpoints with SnapApp: Once the end user downloads a gift, there is no way of going back and the marketers cannot embed the campaigns into their client's website.

  • A nice feature to an automatic contact option and a way to integrate with contact information database from other applications


Additional information

  • Work with a List of Names and have a faces associated with the list of names because they have a disconnect with just the list of names only.

  • They would like a way to have an auto-confirmation without an email confirmation

  • A way to prevent a user from signing up multiple time

Campaign Creation

  • Marketers are used to using WYSIWYG

  • Scaling/cropping images are important

  • Responsive Design

  • Layering images and adding text

  • Some of their clients want more emphasis on visual design

  • Option of adding major retailer partners

  • Currently, there's no way of tracking how the confirmation numbers are used


Working with Legal

  • Marketers never worked with legal

  • Typically used to a privacy policy


We took the insights for user testing and started to map them in order to prioritize the main features.


Legal: Reviews Campaign promotions


Legal's Role

  • Walks through structure promotions

  • Gives paragraph terms

  • Tweak Paragraphs

  • Approve all promotional material

  • Approval process involves checking a checkbox and go live


Legal's Process

  • The process is very quick if it's digital but physical

  • Digital gifts - very quick process

  • Physical gifts - can take up to 48hrs to review

  • Legal team should have ability to edit rules

  • The items the elements needing editing should be clear


We took the insights for user testing and started to map them in order to prioritize the main features.



Defining the Functionality


User Flow diagrams

This drawing helped us establish a path would take based on decisions they make. It also allowed us to fill in the gaps between where marketer's role ended and the Legal's started.


Users Journey

  • We learned that the user will typically duplicate existing Campaigns instead of create a new campaign from scratch

  • Do we need to add contact information at the Start of the Campaign creation processWhen Legal receives a new campaign, there’s contact information already available

  • Emailing a Campaign can take an hour not knowing when legal viewed the Campaign and not know when legal will contact the marketer

  • When the legal reps reviews the campaign, they should be taken to the sections they are responsible for. We are going to lock the elements they are not responsible for

  • Allow marketers to Un-submit the campaign after the legal review



Notification mapping

This mapping help us provide the appropriate feedback between marketers and lawyers after certain tasks



Building a Campaign



Legal Review and Approval